A:red tail red white glitter; B:green tail green time rain; C:green tail green red glitter; D:purple tail purple white glitter; E:gold tail gold palm blue; F:red glitter willow; G:green tail purple green time rain; H:red tail red dahlia white glitter; I:gold tail gold palm brocade; J:red tail red green time rain; K:brocade tail brocade to red green; L:blue tail red dahlia white glitter blue dahlia; M:red tail colorful dahlia chry.
Type: Battery of shot tubes
Size: 415x250x175mm
Caliber: 20/25/30mm
Shots: 100
Fireworks are flammable. Before use, carefully study the instructions on the packaging and in this leaflet.
Category 1, 2, 3 entertainment fireworks SHOULD NOT be coordinated with local government fire authorities.
It is prohibited:
1. Use fireworks by children or leave fireworks unattended;
2. To activate products with visual defects;
3. Lean over the product while activating it;
4. Launch fireworks near objects of increased fire hazard, hospitals, boarding schools, as well as launch the product from the hand, rooftops and balconies;
5. Disassemble, make changes in design or use for other purposes;
6. Throw powered fireworks at living things;
7. Use fireworks by persons who are not sober, or under the influence of narcotic, psychotropic or drugs that reduce the perception of reality;
8. Smoking or lighting open flames in areas where fireworks are stored or prepared;
9. Strike and throw fireworks;
10. Use fireworks at night from 22.00 to 7.00. Violation of the specified time of use entails administrative responsibility;
11. Finding spectators at a distance less than the safety distance indicated on the product.
12. Approach an unused product earlier than 15 minutes;